Uganda e-Visa For Saudi Arabian Citizens - Requirements & Fees

Uganda e-Visa for Saudi Arabia: what are Saudi Arabia citizens' conditions to do when they want to visit Uganda? Truly simple Uganda e visa for Saudi Arabia citizens (electronic visa) are available from Uganda Immigration Services

This country is known all over the world as a natural paradise for a number of reasons: vast expanses of grassland, religious culture, and diverse flora and fauna. Therefore, Uganda is a favorite destination for many people.

Uganda boasts expansive meadows, beautiful waterfalls, and Victoria Lake - Africa's largest and second-largest freshwater lake. So, how can Saudi Arabia citizens visit Uganda? 

Citizens from nearly 150 countries, including Saudi Arabia citizens, can apply for an Uganda e Visa, except for those from countries on the visa - impunity list.

Saudi Arabia citizens apply for an Uganda visa

Uganda visa requirements for Saudi Arabia citizens

Uganda Visa Requirements For Saudi Arabian Citizens

In general, the list of conditions for Uganda e visa for Saudi Arabia citizens is shorter and easier to meet than the list of the casual type. You need to provide complete information as follows

  • A valid Saudi Arabia passport with a blank runner for verification markings that's valid for at least 6 months from the date of your appearance in Uganda and 02 blank pages for verification markings.
  • In a snap, any variant of oneself.
  • Flight ticket (for an East Africa visa) to make sure your entry point is a location in Uganda.
  • Other documents: hotel reservation, yellow fever vaccination certificate, tour plan/travel itinerary are optional.

The Uganda e-visa for Saudi Arabia citizens is a type of paperwork that allows you to travel to Uganda for particular purposes. 

03 Types Of Uganda E-Visas:

  • Tourist e-visa: This type of e-visa permits you to enter Uganda for tourism and other affiliated activities. It can be extended for up to 90 days.
  • Transit e-visa: This kind of e-visa is used for traveling through Uganda or for a short trip of fewer than seven days because it only enables you to stay in Uganda for seven days from the date of your appearance and can not be extended.
  • East Africa visa: this is a type of synthetic visa that lets you travel to East Africa. Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya are three countries you can enter with this e-visa type. Upon entering Uganda, you will have a total staying time of 90 days, and you may enter multiple times.

Does Saudi Arabia Need A Visa To Visit Uganda?

Yes, individuals traveling with a Saudi Arabia passport must have a valid visa to enter Uganda.

The quickest and most accessible way to gain an Uganda e-visa for Saudi Arabia citizens is to apply online.

Saudi Arabia can use this electronic system to apply for a single or multiple-entry visa for temporary stays.

Saudi Arabian citizens who plan to move to Uganda permanently should apply for the applicable visas or permits at a Ugandan delegation or consulate.

What Is The Uganda E Visa For Saudi Arabia Citizens?

Uganda electronic visas (e Visas) are entry permits that most foreign citizens can apply for online. This includes the citizens of Saudi Arabia. Currently, the most common way to obtain a Tourist, Business, or Transit visa is to apply online at our website.

Apply For An Uganda e-Visa From Saudi Arabia

To apply for an Uganda e-visa for Saudi Arabia citizens you need to complete the Uganda visa operation form online for Saudi Arabia citizens. If you wish, you may also apply for an Uganda regular visa at the Uganda Embassy in Saudi Arabia

You should be able to finish it in about 10 minutes. If you need support, Uganda Immigration Services has an excellent support service that's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is fully free of charge.

The form must be filled out in four (04) steps

  • Step 1: Select your visa type and processing time.
  • Step 2: Enter the blanks with all your information.
  • Step 3: Complete the visa fee
  • Step 4: Complete the application form and submit it. Additionally, applicants can track the progress of their e-visa with "Check Status. "

The Uganda e-visa for Saudi Arabia citizens has been completed.

All you have to do now is stay for the e-visa to be transferred to the dispatch address you linked up with. Once you've entered the e-Visa dispatch, publish a dupe to bring with you.

Uganda eVisa Allows Visitors to Enter The Country For The Following Reasons:

  • As a tourism
  • For business
  • For study
  • To stay with cousins, family
  • Transit
  • Healthcare

After completing the short operation form, Saudi Arabia guests will be admitted to Uganda e-Visa within a week.

It's delivered by dispatch to the account handed in the operation.

Uganda E-Visa For Saudi Arabian

It does not take long for Saudi Arabian citizens to apply for an Uganda e-Visa, and they must attach the required supporting documents.

The required information for Saudi Arabia trippers includes particular details, analogous as:

  • Full name
  • Gender
  • Nation

Also, need to enter the following passport information

  • Passport number
  • Dates of issue and expiry
  • Country and place of issue
  • Dispatch address
  • Phone number

Saudi Arabia applicants must also answer numerous health and security questions and give information about their trip, including:

  • Address where they intend to stay in Uganda
  • Purpose of visit
  • Date of appearance
  • Duration of intended stay

As with the utmost visa conditions for Saudi Arabia, applicants must also upload the necessary documents.

As with the utmost visa conditions for Saudi Arabia, applicants must also upload the necessary documents.

Uganda e-Visa for Saudi Arabia

Traveling With The eVisa Uganda From Saudi Arabia 

Saudi Arabia applicants will receive their e-Visa by dispatch within a week of submitting the online form.

They should publish a dupe and bring it to Uganda along with the Saudi Arabia passport registered in the operation.

The visa must be presented to a Ugandan border control officer on appearance.

Uganda E-Visa Fees For Saudi Arabian Citizens

To apply for an Uganda visa online, you have to pay two (02) types of Uganda e visa fees, which are called Service Fee and Government Fee.

The length of time that a Saudi Arabia frequenter can stay in Uganda with an e Visa depends on the type of visa that they applied for.

A single-entry e Visa to Uganda allows Saudi Arabia to stay for over 3 months.

Saudi Arabian citizens can choose multiple-entry visas to Uganda for 6, 12, or 24 months, depending on their trip needs.

Uganda e-Visa Fees For Saudi Arabian Citizens

We are proud that Uganda Immigration Services can offer excellent service at a reasonable price.

The fees of a Uganda e-visa are determined by the type of visa and the processing time you choose.

In addition, you can add a small figure for COVID-19 insurance to keep your benefits when traveling overseas in case of a circumstance.

For the government figure, it's obligatory since Saudi Arabia isn't on the impunity list in Uganda.

In the payment system, you have 02 options for paying your bill: electronic payment (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Paypal) or direct transfer (HSBS direct trade).

Processing Time Service Fees

The service charge can be changed depending on which of the 03 service orders you select from the list below

  • Standard processing: if you select this option, your e-visa will arrive in 03 business days.
  • Urgent processing: you'll be admitted to an Uganda e-visa within 48 hours if you choose this e-visa option.
  • Super-Urgent processing: can be obtained in 24 hours - this is the fastest Uganda e-visa.

Uganda Visa Requirements for Saudi Arabia Citizens FAQs

Do Saudi Arabian citizens need a visa to visit Uganda?

Do Saudi Arabian citizens need a visa to visit Uganda? Do Saudi Arabian citizens need a visa to visit Uganda?

What types of Uganda e-visa are there for Saudi Arabian visitors?

 What types of Uganda e-visa are there for Saudi Arabian visitors?  What types of Uganda e-visa are there for Saudi Arabian visitors?

What documents do Saudi Arabian citizens need for a Uganda eVisa?

What documents do Saudi Arabian citizens need for a Uganda eVisa? What documents do Saudi Arabian citizens need for a Uganda eVisa?

What is the processing time for a Uganda eVisa from Saudi Arabia?

What is the processing time for a Uganda eVisa from Saudi Arabia? What is the processing time for a Uganda eVisa from Saudi Arabia?

How much does Uganda eVisa cost for Saudi Arabian citizens?

How much does Uganda eVisa cost for Saudi Arabian citizens? How much does Uganda eVisa cost for Saudi Arabian citizens?

Can Saudi Arabian citizens get visas upon arrival in Uganda?

Can Saudi Arabian citizens get visas upon arrival in Uganda? Can Saudi Arabian citizens get visas upon arrival in Uganda?